Public Documents
Public Documents & Ratings
Charity Navigator Encompass Rating
We are pleased to announce the Charity Navigator awarded Bridges to Learning an overall score of 98% with their Encompass Rating system!
As a newer rating system for them, and we are learning along the way. We received 100/100 for “Finance and Accountability” and “Leadership and Adaptability”, and 87/100 for “Culture and Community”. The later rating is new. While we had many things in place to address the metric, we are refining a few things to increase the score. Thus, improving our organization even more.
Per Charity Navigator, “The Finance and Accountability beacon evaluates a nonprofit organization’s financial health, including measures of stability, efficiency, and sustainability. We also include accountability and transparency practices to ensure integrity. The Leadership and Adaptability beacon provides an assessment of the organization’s leadership capacity, strategic thinking and planning, and ability to innovate or respond to changes in constituent demand/need or other relevant social and economic conditions to achieve the organization’s mission. The Culture and Community beacon indicates B2L’s focus on listening and learning from the community it serves.”
It is an acknowledgement of B2L’s years of hard work in managing the generous contributions and grants provided by generous donors like you. Along with our connection to the schools and children we serve.
Charities Review Council Seal of Approval
We’re happy to tell you that Bridges to Learning continues to be a Charities Review Council Meets Standards® organization! We earned the Meets Standards® seal by participating in Charities Review Council’s review process. It is based on their 25 Accountability Standards®, a balance of nonprofit sector promising practices, public expectations, and legal requirements. The standards represent the shared expectations between donors and nonprofits. The review process examined the four key areas of: Public Disclosure, Governance, Financial Activity, and Fundraising.
Our practices, policies, and procedures are aligned with widely accepted standards of accountability. Which leads us to greater strength, efficacy and to the achievement of the Meets Standards® seal. By participating in the review process, B2L demonstrates responsibility, integrity, and transparency to donors as well as the general public. We hope it gives you an extra level of assurance when donating to B2L or sponsoring the children.
Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency (formerly Guidestar)
Bridges to Learning achieved the Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency in 2025 by sharing important information about our organization including: what we do; who is involved; where we operate and where the impact is; and the financials. It is yet another national organization providing reassurance that donations to Bridges to Learning are in good hands.
Participating in comprehensive nonprofit rating programs provides a few things:
- first, rating programs provide an understanding of good processes and policies for well-run nonprofit organization and gives ideas for improvement.
- second, hopefully the ratings provide new and current donors with assurance that B2L strives to be an efficient, well run, and trust-worthy nonprofit that is focuses on our mission.
- third, we hope the combination of the above inspires you to feel comfortable supporting the children who need your help.
Bridges to Learning’s Public Documents:
Our brochure: Bridges to Learning Brochure